About Bangladeshi Manpower
Bangladeshi workers possess very good health and they can easily get familiar with the climatic conditions of Middle Eastern countries. A worker can work at least 08-10 hours a day without any problem or difficulties. If additional allowances are provided it can be maximized up to 12-14 hours a day.
Bangladeshi workers are very sincere and honest. Our past experience shows that our foreign principals never found any complications with Bangladeshi manpower in any of their projects.
Since English is taught as a compulsory subject here, along with the state language Bangla, our workers are acquainted with many English words and can easily receive instruction in English. Besides, Hindi and Urdu languages are well understood by most Bangladeshi citizens.

Major Available Resources
- Engineering Personnel
- Medical Professionals
- Hospital & Clinic Personnel
- Transport & Heavy Vehicle Operators and Mechanics
- Office Personnel/Administrative Staff/Accounting staff,
- Computer Expert (Software & Hardware)
- High & Low voltage Electrical Workers
- Air-Conditioning and refrigerator mechanics
- Hotel & Camp catering staff
- Agriculture and animal husbandry workers
- Ship & Navigation workers
- Mill & Factory workers
- Fabrication workers
- Iron & Steelworkers
- Machine tools workers,
- Oil refinery workers
- Food Industry workers
- Garment workers
- Paper Industry workers
- All kinds of civil construction workers
- Plantation workers
- Gardening and Forestry workers,
- Butchers
- Cleaning workers
- Supervisors/Foreman etc
- Sales personnel
- etc
Area of Our Expertise
Our expertise in recruiting lines in all the fields of major, Engineering science & service industry sectors, we maintain a bio-data pool of prospective candidates to respond to the immediate needs of our clients.
In addition, according to the requirement of the clients, we source the right manpower through advertisement and our own contacts with industries, builders and sub-agents.
It has been our endeavor to always recruit manpower from an identical or similar field of work as specified by our clients.
What We Care About
- Supplying the right person for the right job
- Ensuring fast and merit-based recruitment
- Arranging adequate facilities for visiting Employers/delegates
- Providing post recruitment service to the employer
- Giving various services to the candidates recruited through us.